I’m sometimes asked by family and friends who follow politics, “If Congress makes the laws, then how is it that government agencies are able to also make laws?” It’s a great question, and one that deserves to be clarified. The fact is agencies do not create laws;...
Sometimes, we have to retrain the way we think. I hear a lot of people say that our government isn’t what it’s “supposed to be.” That is based upon the fact that we have been taught many misconceptions about how government works over the years. For example, the...
In any contest, whether it’s politics, sports, or even military conflict, the important thing to be cognizant of is where the campaign is at in terms of offense and defense in terms of “Time on Clock”. Now when I say offense, I’m not talking about being personally...
To the untrained eye, canvassing a district seems straight forward. Just go knock doors in neighborhoods that seem to vote a given way, and knock all the doors in that neighborhood, give the home owner a palm card and ask for their vote. However, that is the entirely...
One of the biggest issues that I deal with when taking over a campaign where the campaign manager is a family member, or a good friend, with little to no experience in campaign management is efficiency. While stepping into that emotionally sensitive environment of...
Search engine optimization (SEO) is very important for local and regional political races because it can help candidates reach their target audience. With the rise of digital media and the internet, people turn to search engines like Google to look up candidates. By...
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