When you begin your political campaign, the most important step is creating your brand. Your brand is how your audience will view your stance on issues, and it will help voters decide whether or not they want to vote for you. Your brand should be cohesive and memorable so voters will recognize your message throughout your campaign.
Many people think that the only part of a brand is the logo. While the logo is an essential part of your brand, much more goes into it. A brand is how your audience sees you and your message. Your brand will define you as a candidate, and it will show your audience what your stance is on political issues. Your brand includes logos, colors, fonts, jingles, catchphrases, graphics, images, and more. You will create your website, social media, email, print ads, signs, and more when developing your brand. Even something as simple as a lawn sign needs to follow your brand. An example of a successful political brand would be Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again.” Whether you love or hate him, you most likely know his slogan. In fact, if you heard someone say it in public, you would probably immediately think of Trump. That is the power of a brand for your political campaign. Political branding is essential in creating a narrative that each element of your brand supports and strengthens. Your brand is how your voters will recognize you and your beliefs.
Your brand can make or break your campaign. When you run for office, you are competing for voters’ attention. Your brand will represent your personality and political stance, showing your voters that you align with their viewpoints and beliefs. Your brand will help you create a lasting impression so that your audience remembers your message when it is time to go to the polls. Throughout your campaign, you want voters to see your brand on your website, social media, lawn signs, and each part of your campaign. Your campaign should be consistent so that your message is cohesive. Your message may not stay in your audience’s mind for very long, but with a memorable brand, your audience will remember you and your message.
If you are interested in learning more about branding your political campaign, contact us at (615) 898-1496. Campaign Creative Group is the political advertising division of Navigation Advertising, LLC.